Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Meiners AND Alfred AND F)

Select Item Title Year Published
An investigation of light-catalyzed chlorine oxidation for treatment of wastewater / 1968
An investigation of light-catalyzed chlorine oxidation for treatment of wastewater / 1968
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective : Task III. volatile corrosion inhibitors and boiler water additives : potential for nitrosamine formation / 1979
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective : Task IV - potential worker and consumer exposures to nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) in detergents : final report / 1979
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspectives : Task III : Volatile corrosion inhibitors and boiler water additives : potential for nitrosamine formation : final report / 1979
Criteria documents for aldrin/dieldrin 1976
Ethylene oxide control technology development for hospital sterilizers / 1988
Guidelines for the disposal of small quantities of unused pesticides / 1975
Guidelines for the disposal of small quantities of unused pesticides : Part A: Pesticides, pesticide chemistry, and pesticide disposal. Part B: Methods for the disposal of unused or spilled pesticides / 1975
Light-catalyzed chlorine oxidation for treatment of wastewater / 1970
Production, distribution, use and environmental impact potential of selected pesticides / 1975
Production, distribution, use, and environmental impact potential of selected pesticides : for Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs : for Council on Environmental Quality / 1974
Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors and Boiler Water Additives: Potential for Nitrosamine Formation. Task III. Chemical Technology and Economics in Environmental Perspectives. 1980
Wastewater treatment technology documentation for aldrin/dieldrin manufacture / 1976
Wastewater treatment technology documentation for DDT manufacture / 1976
Wastewater treatment technology documentation for endrin manufacture / 1976
Wastewater treatment technology documentation for toxaphene manufacture : final report / 1976
Wastewater treatment technology documentation, formulation of aldrin/dieldrin, DDT, endrin, toxaphene {microform}, 1976

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